Jinling Institute of Technology DIPLOMA
Certificate No: ⑴
This is to certify that ⑵, ⑶, born on ⑷, has studied in ⑸, from ⑹ to ⑺ and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a ⑻-year undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.
President: ⑼
Jinling Institute of Technology
Date: ⑽
填写说明(打印时删除):证书编号姓名英文,姓首字母大写性别出生日期:月年⑹入学日期:月⑺毕业日期:月⑻学制年数⑽毕业证书签发日期:月年 (打印时不要更改本页面设置